Nayuun, Ariksar's mother, would've been a Dotharl. She was fierce and stubborn, but she took a liking to a broody-yet-determined Erke Orl after they sparred on the steppe once. He wasn't loud and neither was he cocky like the rest, and she'd found that refreshing in the Orls

Nayuun was a serious brawler. Not as arrogant as Sadu but silently held her own pride as one of the most nimble and formidable. Erke didn't wish to fight, but he knew she had pride, so he didn't hold any punches. She respected him for that as he respected her skill

Those rose quartz eyes of hers probably haunted (or remained in his head) rent free for a while before he decided to attempt courting his random sparring opponent. She resembled his previous (and deceased) partner, but was also vastly different in many other aspects

Both Nayuun and Ildei (deceased) had the same silent pride. Their stares were intense, could send someone off with pure intimidation. But they had different beats, where Nayuun felt like a fire and Ilde was a frostbite. Erke fancied Ildei for his personality and ideals, and

Nayuun for her passion and sense of responsibility. Theyre built different but Erke loved both of them at different points of time, very intensely, in different ways.

Ariksar's name came without much meaning, but Nayuun knew he'd be a child of nhaama. Born at night in the middle of a snowstorm, and opening his eyes upon a candlelight.

I think Erke would've been terrified upon seeing the exact shade of pink in Ariksar's eyes Only because he realised that there was something so fragile that he could lose (again) that resembled his wife whom he loved so dearly. He prayed to Ildei to watch over his son.