Hyori and Ariksar are acquainted and met at The Forgotten Knight. Both bonded over being mercenaries. The contrast between Hyori and Ariksar is that Hyori knows his anchor, and that he’ll have to return to the woods again someday. He knows his belonging and purpose. Meanwhile Ariksar still floats about wherever he is needed.

Hyori’s aloof and is a little shady, has a sense of dark humor and is obviously hiding some things. He has the upper hand in conversations, often leading the topic and picking on Ariksar or whoever else he is striking up a conversation against.

(writing this to explore a bit of Hyori’s personality while rewriting Tora/Ariksar’s confession)

no beta we die like Ariksar's dignity

Before Tora and Ariksar got together

Hyori paid a couple of visits to Shirogane, knowing Ariksar would be there. On the first occasion, he’d been in the city for an elusive bounty, and was wondering if Ariksar had been on its tail.

Ariksar stepped into the hall of the free company house, pausing in his tracks as his eyes spied a familiar pair of viera ears from the sofas.

“…You’ve made yourself comfortable.”

“Is that how you’d greet a friend after a time apart? Last we shared ale and a bed was 2 winters ago,” the leporine smirked, shifting around on the seat to face Ariksar.

Ariksar clears his throat and grimaces at the last line being said aloud, placing his baggage in a corner and adjusting the straps of his armor loose. “I do not jest when I say that this would be the last place I'd expect to see you. Glad to see you in one piece, Hyori. What brings you here?”

He unhooks his cape and removes his boots before making his way to the kitchen, folding his right tattered sleeve up and removing bandages. Hyori watches in silence as Ariksar runs his bloodied arm under the water of the tap, flinching at the sting slightly.

“Shouldn’t there be a healer in your company? I doubt that would do much for your nasty wound. What was it? Has the look of talons.”

“I got jumped by a tiger, is all. Caught unawares while snooping around for another mark. This is nothing, and my- our company’s healer wouldn’t let me hear the end of it. Wouldn’t want to worry him like that.” He lets out a sigh, the sting persisting.

“Pity,” Hyori eyes Ariksar, ”Well thankfully I have yet to pick up conjury, else you’d avoid me too.” Hyori teases. Ariksar shoots a look at him, before grabbing a towel to drape over his injured arm.

“Anywho, I was in the city for spoils. A unique mark. I was wondering if you’d picked up a scent or word of it, and why would I waste my precious time doing my own research when I know you’d be here?” Hyori leans into the seat, folding his arms and crossing his legs. A familiar smugness written all over his face.

“Then we may be on the same mark. It’s a Forgekin, said to target anything at certain locations randomly throughout Yanxia. The damage has most reportedly been on compact aircraft,” Ariksar explains, busying himself by putting away his gear and taking more layers off himself. In a grey turtleneck and just his black pants left on him, he folds his moonward gear in a neat stack and places it on the floor. He makes a mental note to do the laundry later and settled on the sofa next to Hyori.

Hyori hums, “Seems like I was right to find you. All I knew was that it was red and would pop up around Yanxia. Not a lot to go by, you’d think the people were making things up.”

Ariksar gives him a confused look. “You’d take a mark up and travel all the way here despite the possibility of it being a ruse? You’re spouting nonsense.”

Hyori laughs, leaning into Ariksar’s personal space. “The chances of it being a ruse were high, but the chances of me missing you on the way were low.” Hyori rests a hand on Ariksar’s chest and gave him a light push, forcing Ariksar to lean back against the backrest.

“So, it was an excuse,” Ariksar realises, staring right into Hyori’s green and grey eyes.