Ariksar was born to the Orl tribe and while the tribe was in coerthas, he snuck away into ishgard to be cared for by a chirurgeon due to his poor health.

Orl tribe massacred, and on that exact day, he was feeling uneasy and wanted to go back to his parents.

Witnessed in horror from the steps of faith where men took some bodies of people he knew into the city, saw the bloodied backs of his parents being thrown over the edge of the bridge and fainted on the spot.

He was recovered by the chirurgeon in time before anyone else got to him Spent his days in a daze, only thing he knew was that he could trust his caregiver. He was growing fast, and it became harder to care for him in hiding. He simply knew he did not belong there, and he knew the old lady was struggling to keep him away from the knights. He trained in hiding with kids of the brume in swordplay, read books on magicks, and tried his best to prepare for departure. He could barely hide his horns in a coat by the time he said goodbye and snuck his way out in a carriage. He went far from ishgard, and attempted to sail to the far east, before the calamity struck.

He'd lost his memory and had awoken on a ship bound for limsa. He'd awoken next to a cheeky miqote girl who nicknamed him 'Ais' for his hands were extremely cold to the touch. They said they found him injured from a fall in thanalan, suspected of great height, where he broke an arm and hit his head, and the traders intended to bring him along on their journey (for all purposes of ill intent if he did not wake up in time). He was wrapped in bandages and was not bound. She convinced him to join her at the arcanists guild to see if anyone could help him on his journey, and he ended up being taught summoning magicks to aid in self defence. He stayed there until he was fit to roam.

The two didnt hang around each other often. He found himself performing odd jobs such as gathering, pest killing, small bounty hunting, and the few years he spent were helped his street smarts. He found an abandoned boat to sleep in during this time, and was offered an inn stay from time to time as a reward for tasks he'd performed. Sometimes he'd find a warm body to sleep with on rainy nights. Carried very little on him in a 2nd hand backpack.

ARR happened.

He made his way to Ishgard with an uneasy feeling. Got himself involved with Fray, and eventually Sidurgu after the events of heavensward.

Sidurgu mentions there's a old rumor of another kid like him who was cared for by a chirurgeon in the city, and would get back to him if he ever found any leads.

Ais goes from SMN to DRK

Bitter AF when he left ishgard to sail to the far east, annoyed that to anyone he was simply a tool and a weapon. But he couldnt reconcile with the fact that he was oddly skilled with the claymore and liked a good fight.

He finds out his origin and name after the events of 5.3

(Read Ariksar of the Quartz Heart on main page)

Details are still WIP - written but unorganised so this will be updated over time as I sort and retcon/rewrite!!